Friday, November 21, 2008

Scene 14 Filmed

We began the filming at Hobsonville Point, but because of audio
issues due to traffic, we spent the next three hours finding another location!

Places like the Jetty! That was a really, really long hike :

No joke, Timmy spends most of his travel time sleeping.
We finally decided on "Short Beach"
Well, this is what it looked like during the filiming
Not only does an actor have to memorize his/her lines,
they have to express themselves in the manner the director
wants them too. Sometimes this can be a long process!

Gabriel :)

Jamie :)

Timmy :)

MONDAY, July 21, 2008
We have a lot to be thankful to our sweet heavenly Father for! He really is the one who helped us that day. Things were looking bad because we started shooting around 4:30am (unearthly early) and around 5:30-6:00ish when we were about half way through the scene on Hobsonville point we had to come to the difficult conclusion that the traffic noises were echoing off the rocks too much to continue, so we traveled north to find a new location. As it got later the clouds began to lift and we rapidly were losing the "morning" look we needed and we weren't finding anything suitable, we went as far as the Jetty in Nehalem (I forget the name). So we traveled 30 miles back to Tillamook and stopped at Burger King for breakfast, by now it was about 9:00. We traveled to the Jetty but the tide was out and after hiking for about 2 miles with all the heavy equipment we turned around and returned to the car somewhat discouraged. But the Lord was very good we had prayed that we wouldn't grumble and he in his mercy gave Jamie the idea of checking out "Short Beach", as we drove there the fog picked up and the cloud cover was still over that part of the ocean! Not only did this turn out to be a better location because of the audio, it actually looks a lot cooler too! The sun only began picking up around 1:00pm when we were packing up. Everyone was really tired but we were glad to have the shot done!
Praise the Lord for his kindness in this project, may we resign it to him to be His project and be to His glory!

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