Sunday, February 8, 2009


So here's what we were able to do today:

My desktop was having some real issues with file access, it might have a virus or some other hardware issue, so that killed about an hour of our time today. However Jamie did some editing on the movie on the last scene and we talked about exactly how we want that to go.

Also I was able to get 1 bumpy shot stabilized. However the aspect ratio is wrong, and the software does not support 16:9 widescreen (what we shot the movie in) so the image is stretched, therefore we will have to compress it and crop it to make it work in the Adobe editor. But the stabilization is great! :) I'm really happy that's working.

So we're still plugging away. I'm posting some pics I took today of us hard at work! ;)

Jamie editing, I don't know, I guess he's thinking?

Directors need to take occasional naps.

Editing Room, Messy huh?
Adobe Premiere 3.02 Editing Software, That's Kirk beckoning to Andrew
on the screen.
This is the stabilization software, stabilizing the trucking shot
where Andrew sees himself dead at the end of the road.
The image on the left is the original, and the right images are 
undergoing stabilization
Unlike the above picture, Jamie really does work hard! :)


eye said...

good keep working! huraah

Jamie said...

The III thought that he should check in and make sure the "I" wasn't being too mischievous with the pictures he took!

Anonymous said...

I say that you should post your vote on ChristianScript III

Marty said...

I didn't mean to make myself anonymous... THat was me.