Monday, December 29, 2008

Rough edit almost done!

Hey all, just FYI I have almost completed the rough edit of scene 18 yesterday, hopefully I'll get more done tonight. Tommy and I were able to recover some "lost" footage after he got his camera fixed and I was able to make it work! Scene 19 is the last scene to edit (and probably the hardest). Then for the fine tune work.

Monday, December 1, 2008

DFTD Update

Hey everyone! Just thought I'd let you know that Jamie and I were able to work on the film a little bit this weekend (not near as much as I had originally hoped, but still we got something done). I believe we only have about 2.5 more pages of script to rough edit! That's about 4/5 of the movie done (in rough edit form)!!! Just to keep you all informed............I'm still shooting for the end of the year, but that might be pushing it a bit. We'll see!